Celebrating 150 years of Charity Scholarship Unbounded Spirit

Message from the Bishop

Rt Revd Dushantha Rodrigo

Women in Sri Lanka and all right-thinking people in this country owe a debt of gratitude to Frances and James Chapman who came out to this island full of enthusiasm and took on the socio-political, and religious landscape by storm and…

Message by the Principal

Mrs. Chemali Goonetileke Herath

‘Towards 150’…. seems such a surreal phrase to me as I write this message for the soft launch of the official webpage to commence activities toward the sesquicentennial anniversary of Bishop’s College in 2025.

Message by the Chairperson

Shermila Antony Perera

The launch of the webpage to commemorate 150 years of Bishop’s College (1875-2025) begins an extraordinary journey. A journey to reflect on and celebrate the genesis of women’s education…

Our History

Bishop’s College Past Pupils’ Association:
The Legacy Continues…

Since its inception as the Old Girls’ Association in November 1896, the Bishop’s College Past Pupils’ Association (BC PPA) has remained a body with long and lively traditions.

As reminisced by one of the past Secretaries of the Old Pupils’ Association – Grace Van Dort, the forming of the Association was not initially encouraged by the Sisters of St. Margarets Convent.

However, due to the enthusiasm of the members, backed by the Clergy, a Cinderella Dance inaugurated the Old Girls’ Association held at Waverly House, to which all the Old Boys were invited.

Our Beginnings

The Timeless Story of Alma Mater’s Most Trusted Advocate

In Retrospect: Sports at Bishop’s College

Sisters of St. Margaret’s Convent

Bishop James Chapman



Upcoming Events 2025

BC Dinner Dance

September 2025

Amazing Purple Race
October 2025

Major Fundraising Projects

Proposed New A/L Building

The Bishop’s College Advanced Level Building is expected to be completed by the end of 2024 in line with the 150th Anniversary Celebrations in 2025. 

A ground plus four-story building is designed envisioning the future of Bishop’s College which includes; modern classrooms, a recreational arcade and a much-needed international exams testing centre.

LKR 268,000,000


Raised 100%
Value added Learning

Plans are underway to broaden the learning experience of our young Bishopians and further enhance their scope in education.

Proposed Upgrade of Sports Pavilion

The proposed multi storey sports pavilion for the main grounds and the swimming pool

Sisters of St.Margaret’s Convent Project

With constant ripples of change, the year 1895 was eventful as Bishop’s College was passed into the care…

Proposed Teachers’ Hostel Project

This project is dedicated to our loyal members of the academic staff, who as Sister Celestine (Principal 1945-1949) once said…

The Renovation of the Chapel dedicated to St Agnes

The proposed multi storey sports pavilion for the main grounds and the swimming pool

Giving Back to Maintenance Staff of Bishop's College

The service staff of Bishop’s College are an integral part of the efficient running of the day-to-day operations of the school, and…

Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

The theme aptly depicts the school motto that has always instilled the virtue of sharing with those who are less fortunate.

The Bishop' College 150th Anniversary Coffee Table Book
Rekindling memories, unraveling mysteries and telling tales of 150years and more…

150th Anniversary Special Edition Collection

Dark purple with BC crest printed in Gold Umbrellas for senior students.


Dark purple and gold marble effect printed large, manual double steel golf umbrellas.


Draw string swim bag (polyester with dark purple and gold marble effect.


Light purple and gold marble effect poncho type raincoats for primary students.


Tie dye printed trendy bucket hats for middle school children.


Light purple scented candles with purple pouch.


Recycled paper desk calendars.


Purple and Gold Pencil Case for senior students.


Car windscreen sun shade with BC crest.


Purple Sun visor with Gold Crest.


All merchandise items will be available at the School Bookshop.


Batch of 1995

Email your memories to: 150@bishopscollegecolombo.com

The Committee

150th Anniversary Commemoration

Shermila Antony Perera (Chairperson) | Shianthi Jayasinghe (Treasurer) | Shanika Wimalabandu (Joint Secretary) | Diloka Kamalgoda (Joint Secretary) | Savithri Wijesekera (Advisor) | Shyama Perera (Advisor) Zahara Maruzook | Sunella Dissanayeke-Mohotti | Rochelle Tissaaratchy | Minal Ranatunga | Rajitha Jayasuriya | Anusha Alles | Srinika Linden

For Inquiries, Contact us

Our Logo

150 represents the steady, long journey embarked in 1875, marking the milestone of 150 years of existence in 2025. The combination of colours that contribute to the richness of the Royal Purple represents plurality, diversity and inclusivity of the student and staff body. Majestic Gold represents the hidden treasures within each individual, discovered, moulded, and refined to shine, demonstrating their unique abilities at Bishop’s College. The subtle effect of the Batik design woven into the numerical 150 is inspired from the design found on the pallu of the Hewisi Band costume. The Mitre, the ceremonial head-dress of the Bishop as the head of our beloved college, is a symbol of our ever-lasting relationship with God and the church. Blessed by the grace of God and driven by the spirit of our motto Non Sibi Sed Omnibus. Benevolent just as our founders intended. Bishop’s College, now home to many, written in Old English font, is a constant reminder that we are part of an amazing journey that will continue to touch the lives of everyone.

Our Winner of the Logo Design Competition!
Nimaya Nanayakkara

Grade 14 Commerce, London.

Our alma mater will mark a massive milestone in 2025, for it will have educated and nurtured young girls into adults for 150 years. A logo competition was held among the students of Bishop’s College to commemorate this significant occasion. The winner of this logo competition is Nimaya Nanayakkara of Grade 14 Commerce London, a friend and peer. Nimaya embodies the virtues of a Bishopian as she is equally versatile in both academics and extra-curricular activities. She is the Captain of the Swimming Team, President of the Social Service Club, Secretary of The English Drama Society, Vice President of the UN Club and is an active participant in possibly every other activity Bishop’s College has to offer! She is also the Graphic Design Editor of the Media Unit. Among her friends, she is known as being the number one logical problem solver for every mess they make and for that they are forever grateful.

We interviewed Nimaya as she will be a part of history for creating the first illustration that inspired the 150th Anniversary logo of Bishop’s College.

1. What made you want to take part in the competition?

The 150th anniversary is going to be a monumental event in our school history, so when I heard about the competition and that this will be the inspiration for all 150 anniversary related events in school, I thought of giving it a shot because it would be an honour to be a part of school history.

2. Tell us a little bit about the logo and how you came up with it ?

When I was thinking of ideas, I wanted to incorporate all elements important to this milestone, such as the name, Bishop’s College, 150 years as well as the school motto. I wanted the logo to be simple and elegant-keeping with the spirit of Bishop’s College. I used photoshop to create this logo.

3. How do you feel about being selected as the winner of this competition?

It’s an honour as I said to be a part of this milestone. I am very happy that my logo was selected among others that I am sure were equally good.


Sarah Hashim, Shalom Martyn and Michelle Abeywardene


Message by the Principal

‘Towards 150’…. seems such a surreal phrase to me as I write this message for the soft launch of the official webpage to commence activities toward the sesquicentennial anniversary of Bishop’s College in 2025. I feel so truly honoured to serve my alma mater as Principal during a milestone era of this most prestigious Private Anglican Girls’ School.

Although recorded history attributes Bishop’s College to its beginnings in 1875, it was originally founded by Bishop James Chapman and his wife Frances in 1857 in Mutwal as Bishopsgate School. We are indebted to them for their trailblazing, visionary foresight and determination in establishing women’s education in Ceylon. After a few closures and re-locations, Bishop’s College as it was later called, began to grow and flourish as one of the most reputed girl’s schools in the country. The Sisters of St Margaret too, provided a long line of Principals, contributing to the continuation of the school. Charity and community service together with the ideals of truth, loyalty and responsibility were handed down by the missionaries and continue to be upheld by the motto; “Non Sibi Sed Omnibus”– Not for Self but for All. Bishop’s College, towards Independence and thereafter embraced the liberal and progressive thought that dominated the day and sported a modern identity towards nurturing a ‘new woman’ whilst skilfully blending it with the rich Christian traditions of the school. The aptly chosen colours of royal purple and majestic gold encourage us to maintain the high standards ingrained more than a century ago. The healthy competition between the four ‘Houses’ – Henley, Copleston, Ford and Chapman – creates an atmosphere that enables us to uphold the traditions and values of our Founders; whilst enhancing the innate talents of our girls in the fields of sport, theatre, art and music.

Today, I am reminded of my predecessors, past and present teachers, staff, students, and all those who were favoured enough to pass through these hallowed corridors, for their selfless commitment, dedication, passion, and spirit toward the continuous development of the school.

The next three years will set the foundation for a new vision – an accountable, inclusive, and diverse learning environment, that pursues academic excellence, spiritual growth, personal and sporting prowess, and most of all, one that instils values of truth, loyalty and justice to advance social consciousness and responsibility toward all God’s creation.

I extend a warm invitation to the entire Bishopian family to join me together with the 150th commemoration committee, in all the events and activities that will be organised during the next three years. I have been very fortunate to receive overwhelming support thus far and I feel assured of the same in the future. Let our BC spirit be reignited with the launch of this programme and let us further solidify the ethos of our school as we embody the 150th commemoration tagline – Bishop’s College toward 150 ‘Blessed & Benevolent!’


Thank you.

May God bless us all & May God Bless Bishop’s College!


Message from the Bishop of Colombo

Women in Sri Lanka and all right-thinking people in this country owe a debt of gratitude to Frances and James Chapman who came out to this island full of enthusiasm and took on the socio-political, and religious landscape by storm and set to work in the field of education instantaneously.

Education was an area familiar to them and which they knew was one channel to dispel the horrors of superstition, ignorance, doubt and unscientific explanations that shaped life at that time.

Convincing people to unlearn and traverse the path of scripture truth was no easy task. The Chapmans knew that the only way this country could stand on their own was by imparting knowledge in the way they had received it which they felt was their special calling.

Bishop’s College came into being in 1857 beginning the education of women in an era that people were hearing that it is possible and good for the girl child to be trained in the ways of the world just like the male child.

On the long journey of 150 years, Bishop’s College had many stories on the way and led by very different personalities which included the Sisters of St Margaret’s.

The school has grown to be an institution that has embraced all cultures, religions, and language groups and provided holistic education through the years.

The achievements of past pupils in varied walks of life are a testimony to the rich educational background firmly built on Christian values.

The school will go on from generation to generation inculcating the rich diversity of the country into the lives of every child.

Peace and Blessings

The Right Reverand Dushantha Rodrigo
Bishop of Colombo
19 th January 2024

Message by the Chairperson

The launch of the webpage to commemorate 150 years of Bishop’s College (1875-2025) begins an extraordinary journey. A journey to reflect on and celebrate the genesis of women’s education; based on the tenets of ‘charity, community spirit, and public service’ upheld by the motto of our school ‘Non Sibi Sed Omnibus’ –Not for Self, but for All!

Since its inception, Bishop’s College has continued to evolve to provide a holistic education for women, whilst staying true to its founding values. Therefore, it is only apt that the celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary in 2025, beginning with the Founders’ Day commemoration in 2023 embrace the ethos of the school towards the upliftment of charity, scholarship, and unbounded spirit.

The webpage aims to be a user-friendly platform; to highlight special events scheduled in the coming years leading up to the 150th year in 2025, feature articles of significant historical milestones, recognise and applaud the people who have contributed both professionally and personally, call attention to the major funding projects, and most of all, provide a space to share the wonderful memories and stories that have made the school, a second home to all.

I am deeply grateful to the Principal, Vice Principal, and all the executive members of the ‘150th Anniversary Commemoration Executive Committee’, for their untiring efforts. I hope that the website will serve as an archive of Bishop’s College, and a record of the lives of everyone it has touched.


Thank you. May Bishop’s College grow from strength to strength.


Bishop’s College Past Pupils’ Association: The Legacy Continues…

Since its inception as the Old Girls’ Association in November 1896, the Bishop’s College Past Pupils’ Association (BC PPA) has remained a body with long and lively traditions. As reminisced by one of the past Secretaries of the Old Pupils’ Association – Grace Van Dort, the forming of the Association was not initially encouraged by the Sisters of St. Margarets Convent. However, due to the enthusiasm of the members, backed by the Clergy, a Cinderella Dance inaugurated the Old Girls’ Association held at Waverly House, to which all the Old Boys were invited.

With the kind consent of the Principal, the Old Girls’ Association was permitted to meet once monthly in the College Grounds for Tea and outdoor sports, which took the mild form of croquet and archery. The PPA executive committee, to date, meets once a month to discuss and execute plans for the benefit of the school and the 5000-strong membership. While the “Tea” consists of delicious birthday treats, there’s no sign of any outdoor or indoor sports by those attending the meetings!

The PPA has its own office in the BC Auditorium, nestled up a flight of stairs, where the monthly meetings are held. On weekdays, the office administrator secretary is at hand to help members obtain event tickets, purchase PPA merchandise, and get assistance with any membership matters.

The Bishop’s College Auditorium, a vision of the PPA, became a reality with the dedicated collaboration of its alumni and the school. The Auditorium was purpose-built to encourage and sustain the Arts, Drama, and Theatre of the school and the country. On July 25th, 1994, the BC PPA Annual General Meeting was held at the Auditorium for the very first time.

As early as 1909, the BC PPA awarded scholarships for the Prize Giving. In 1912, the first PPA Gold Medal was awarded to Mabel Roberts. It is a tradition that continues to date through the school’s 150-year history, along with all the fundraising for the school throughout the years. From fetes, bazaars, carnivals, and benefit shows to the much-celebrated dinner dances, the BC PPA has always stayed committed to helping the school. Even before Lady Obeysekera and Mrs G Cooke gave their love, energy and time to run the BC Tuck Shop, past pupils, individually or collectively, rose to the occasion. The sale of Else Court by the legendary Maude Peiris to purchase Peiris House for the School in 1937 and the recent restoration of Peiris House by the PPA proves unconditional love.

The PPA has been, from the very beginning, an integral part of the school, where traditions continue with the Executive Committees at the helm. The long line of past presidents, vice presidents, secretaries and treasurers, and committee members stay true to the Constitution, work hard and stay committed and loyal to the school. Spread around the world, past pupils overseas have also come together to help. The UK branch assisted with the school’s state-of-the-art library, while the Association in Australia came together to assist the school with more recent needs. Past pupil Sonia Rutnam, who resided in the UK, donated the first computer to the school’s computer science lab. Many more unsung heroes and legendary members of the Association have come forward to assist the school. Individually or as part of their batch group, directly to the school or through the PPA, it proves their commitment to BC is alive and unshakable.

When choosing a school for their children, parents look for a school where tradition is valued. Bishop’s College opens the gate to a school career nurtured by caring teachers and staff. When it ends, the PPA door opens, a safe place to continue the ties and give back to Bishop’s College.

Hasnah Mohideen
President-BC PPA

Festina Lente:
“Make Haste, Slowly” - The Timeless Story of Our Alma Mater’s Most Trusted Advocate

In Bishop’s College’s sprawling legacy, there exists a tale of devotion, service, and unyielding commitment. This is the story of Mr. Rajan Asirwatham, whose journey with our cherished institution began unexpectedly but blossomed into nearly four decades of unwavering stewardship.

Fresh out of school, the young and ambitious Mr. Asirwatham embarked on what seemed to be a conventional path, joining KPMG with aspirations of a standard accountant’s career. Little did he know that fate had grander plans. His swift ascent in the corporate world was matched by a significant invitation from Bishop Swithin Fernando to join the Board of S. Thomas’ College. Mr. Asirwatham, recognising a divine calling in this invitation, accepted with humility and dedication. While Mr. Asirwatham’s roots were deeply intertwined with boys’ schools, his familiarity with girls’ schools extended primarily to Ladies College, owing to his family’s history, thus making the realm of Bishop’s College uncharted territory. Therefore, in 1985, Mr. Asirwatham’s destiny took a remarkable turn when he was invited to join the Board of Bishop’s College. Thus began a monumental journey marked by nearly 39 years of gracious and transformative service.

At the helm during this transformative period was Ms Gwen Dias Abeysinghe, the then-principal. Her vision for the school was both bold and revolutionary. Under her guidance, the school witnessed the construction of the iconic auditorium beginning in 1986—a significant gift from the Past Pupils Association that remains a cornerstone of the institution.

Mr. Asirwatham’s association with Bishop’s College was more than a professional obligation; it was a heartfelt journey. His surprise at being chosen as the manager by the influential board members was soon replaced by a deep sense of purpose. As he walked through the school with Mrs. Dias Abeysinghe, he realised the profound impact he could have on the lives of countless students.

Following Ms Dias Abeysinghe’s retirement, the mantle of leadership was passed to Ms Lindley Jayasuriya and subsequently to Ms Hemamali Bibile, each bringing their unique strengths to the role. Mr. Asirwatham cherished his harmonious relationships with all the principals, a sentiment sincerely reciprocated. His emotional connection to the school was poignantly evident when the Prefects paid tribute at his wife’s funeral by conducting a Guard of Honour, a moment he holds close to his heart.

Despite his attempts to step down with each new Bishop’s appointment, his dedication and invaluable service always led to requests for him to continue as our manager. His rapport with Ms Chemali Goonetileke Herath, the current principal, is a testament to his enduring commitment. Their pre-board meeting conversations reflect a shared vision and deep mutual respect.

Mr Asirwatham’s journey with Bishop’s College was paralleled by his significant contributions to the corporate world, notably at KPMG. He often reflected on the stark differences between these realms: the profit-driven motives of corporations versus the service-oriented ethos of educational institutions. Yet, the discipline and values he upheld remained constant across both domains.

A staunch advocate for gender equality, Mr Asirwatham fought tirelessly to empower women within KPMG, a battle against the prevailing biases of his time. These efforts were mirrored within our Purple and Gold empire, where his unfaltering endeavours to pave the path for Bishopians enabled thousands of girls to reach soaring heights in their respective fields.

As the manager, Mr. Asirwatham’s role extended beyond administrative duties. He acted as a vital link between the Ministry and the school, ensuring compliance and representing the institution in legal matters. His hands-on approach and genuine care for the support staff fostered a familial atmosphere where everyone felt valued and included.

The unique atmosphere of Bishop’s College, with its multicultural community and the motto “Not for self but for all,” resonated deeply with Mr Asirwatham. A theatre lover, he enjoys the school’s nativity plays and concerts. His proudest achievement, however, was overseeing the construction of the swimming pool with diving facilities, a testament to his dedication and leadership.

In a moving address to the students, Mr. Asirwatham echoed the words of Warden Buck of S. Thomas’ College: “You belong to one of the best girls’ schools in the world. Live for Bishop’s College and, if it ever becomes necessary, die for her”. Fondly, he added, “as embodied by your Principal, Ms. Chemali Goonetileke Herath”. He emphasised the importance of embracing the school’s rich heritage while adapting to modern times. His belief in the potential of every Bishopian was unwavering, and his hope for the future was for the institution to continue thriving, rooted in tradition yet forward-looking.

As Mr. Asirwatham reflects on his remarkable journey, he considers himself fortunate to have served such a distinguished institution. His legacy is not just in the tangible changes he brought about but in the lives he touched and the values he instilled. With heartfelt gratitude, he extends his blessings to Bishop’s College and all who walk its hallowed halls, ensuring that the spirit of festina lente—making haste slowly—continues to guide them.

“A beacon of hope, a tower of support,
Deeply rooted in Purple and Gold,
A friendly mentor: His contributions are manifold.
Over three decades of service, yet a lifetime of influence
Over thirty years of bleeding purple, he has embodied its essence.
Scrutinise the pages of our illustrious book of history,
Never will you find an individual so agleam
For if “Timeless” was a person,
It would be Mr. Rajan Asirwatham, for certain!”

Tisari Vidanagamage
Head Prefect 2022

In Retrospect:
Sports at Bishop’s College

Bishop’s College has a rich history in sports. Swimming, netball, tennis and athletics have been popular at Bishop’s College since the early 1900s, producing exceptional sportswomen. The school’s sports teams have a longstanding reputation for excelling and bagging championships for countless years. With the introduction of the house system during this period, students were encouraged to engage in friendly competition and were greatly exposed to the sporting field.

In 1942, during the tenure of Sister Mabel, Bishop’s College opened its branch at Fernhill in Kandy due to the threats from Japan during World War II. However, this was no major hurdle for the sportswomen at Bishop’s College. The athletes practised at the grounds of Kandy Girls’ High School, the netball players were sent to the adjoining school, the Good Shepherd Convent and the tennis players trained at the Medical Superintendent’s private court. Following the independence of Sri Lanka, greater changes were brought about to sports at Bishop’s College. In 1955, the low-lying muddy land next to the tennis court was filled to build the 200-metre grounds that the athletes at Bishop’s College so fondly call home. This sparked a major interest in sports amongst the girls and helped to discover young talent. According to recorded history, Bishop’s College was heading for a glorious period of achievement in sports in the years to come.

Sports at Bishop’s couldn’t have gone that distance without the driving force of a few special individuals. Mrs. M. Loos, Mrs. Monica De Silva, Mrs. Weerakkody and Mrs. de Fonseka were popular game mistresses over the past century. Each of them had a unique way of motivating the girls to do their absolute best for their alma mater. From transporting them back and forth for practices and matches to feeding them egg flips, koththamalli and a plethora of other nutritious food, their passion, guidance, and unwavering support shaped generations of athletes.

Bishop’s College has nurtured numerous athletes who have proudly represented the country in the global arena. One of the proudest moments in our history was when one of our champions, Dipika Chanmugam represented Sri Lanka in 1988 at the Olympics held in Korea. She was the first ever female to represent Sri Lanka at the Olympics.

More recently, Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala, an avid sportswoman during her time at Bishop’s College became the first Sri Lankan to summit Mount Everest.

Sport is a discipline, and that is something that has been ingrained in all sportswomen at Bishop’s College and this discipline serves as a cornerstone throughout their lives.  Today, Bishop’s College offers 16 sports’ namely, athletics, badminton, basketball, chess, cricket, diving, hockey, karate, netball, rowing, scrabble, swimming, table tennis, tennis, water polo and the latest addition, lifesaving. Our girls continue to achieve excellence despite the ever-emerging competition, both nationally and internationally. The annual Hockey encounter between Ladies’ College and Bishop’s College was inaugurated in 2005 and has been one of the main events in the sporting calendar ever since. From the turf to the pool, the inaugural Bishop’s College vs. Visakha Vidyalaya U15 Water Polo encounter for the Bishop Chapman Trophy was held in 2008 and it marked the beginning of a thrilling rivalry in aquatic sports. Despite this encounter coming to a halt after 9 years, the grit and love for the sport demonstrated during matches are truly memorable. We also commenced the annual Table Tennis encounter with Methodist College, Amity, in 2015. Building bridges through cricket, we have annual matches organised by the Appe Lanka Organisation, which are played against Mukkompan Maha Vidyalaya of Jaffna.

These experiences offered to Bishopians are invaluable. From triumph to adversity, we have faced it all, and that feeling is something that cannot be penned. Sports at Bishop’s College is, and will always play an integral part in shaping the lives of our girls. Dedication, perseverance and teamwork manifest into the ethos of sports that Bishopians carry beyond the field, enriching society, our nation and the world; all while being true to their motto, ‘Non Sibi Sed Omnibus.’

Shania Silva
Games Captain 2022

Sisters of St. Margaret’s.
The reason we survived.
In their presence, Bishop’s College was revived.

In the tapestry of our alma mater’s history, there are threads that weave through time, stitching together narratives of selflessness, dedication, and service. Among these threads, the Sisters of St. Margaret’s Convent stand out as luminous exemplars of unwavering commitment and profound impact. From humble beginnings to far-reaching influence, their contribution towards the nourishment of our school, resides within every Bishopian’s heart. With grace and grit, it was the Sisters who embarked on the arduous task of revitalizing our school and they are one of the primary reasons why Bishop’s College is able to celebrate her sesquicentennial anniversary in the upcoming year.

When reflecting upon the deep affinity between the Sisters of St. Margaret’s and our school, Sister Superior of the Convent, Sister Chandrani stated that our familial spirit has only flourished and matured with time. In her nostalgic reflections, she cherishingly reminisced about her formative years at Bishop’s College, where she initially embarked on the sacred journey of leading prayers and imparting Christ’s message to the young Bishopians. Further, she fondly stated how students would often wish to speak to her after prayers, a custom that deepened with time due to which she was graciously entrusted with the responsibility of sharing her insights with Bishopians every Tuesday in the Chapel. Sister Chandrani’s commitment towards the sustenance of young girls’ education is mirrored in the numerous instances she helped students in financial turmoil, thereby ensuring the continuaunce of their school career.This is yet another testament to our foundational bond that has thrived over the years.

The Annual St. Margaret’s sale stands as an enduring tradition, a timeless ritual that serves as a sacred bridge between the sisters and the school community. It embodies not just a fundraising event, but a symbolic expression of our gratitude for the sisters’ invaluable contributions. Sister Chandrani defines the sale as not simply an act of appreciation but an opportunity for Bishopians to foster compassion and thankfulness. She further expressed her heartful delight at witnessing students from various classes, clubs and societies being dedicated towards visiting the elders’ and children’s homes in the convent and spending meaningful time together whilst contributing thoughtful donations of dry rations and other essentials. Above all, Sister Chandrani emphasized on the love and joy that the students spread on each visit and the paramount significance of their altruism during the Covid 19 pandemic as well, during which they collected dry rations for the convent. When asked regarding her personal journey with the school, Sister Chandrani eloquently expressed it as a safe haven where she feels a different sense of acceptance, solace and resonance. This ingrained connection renders the school, its esteemed faculty, students, and all its constituents a focal point during the daily 12:00 p.m. prayer session, during which Sister wishes for the school’s continued success.

As her message to all members of the purple and gold community, Sister Chandrani implored each student to prioritize their devotion to God, embody the indelible essence of the school motto, “Non sibi sed omnibus” — not for self, but for all — and urged a commitment to charity as an unwavering principle. Additionally, she championed the pursuit of academic excellence and active engagement in extracurricular pursuits as vital components of their holistic growth and contribution to the world.

Ergo, within the hallowed presincts of Bishop’s College, the vision of the Sisters of St. Margaret’s linger still, a reminder of the enduring legacy of lives dedicated to the service of God and our school. As we walk in their footsteps, may we strive to uphold the values they held dear, to honor their memory, and to carry forward their noble mission with faith and steadfast devotion.

Tisari Vidanagamage

Head Prefect of Bishop’s College -2022

Value added Learning

Plans are underway to broaden the learning experience of our young Bishopians and further enhance their scope in education. The project proposes to introduce and develop several ongoing initiatives for value-added learning for students and continuous professional development for academic and non-academic staff. This includes:

Proposed Upgrade of Sports Pavilion

The proposed multi-storey sports pavilion for the main grounds and the swimming pool of Bishop’s College to accommodate parents, past pupils and well-wishers who attend the much-awaited annual sports and swimming meet. The Project designs are underway. Await for more details.

Sisters of St.Margaret’s Convent Project

With constant ripples of change, the year 1895 was eventful as Bishop’s College was passed into the care of the Sisters of St. Margaret. In 1902, it was once again relocated. This time, to its present address. The unhindered dedication, support and blessings given by the Sisters were instrumental in the growth and flourishing of our school – laying a lasting foundation in producing students who were both strengthened by their faith whilst also adapting to the upbringing of the modern age. The contribution of the Sisters was immeasurable, and to this day we Bishopians try our utmost to repay this invaluable debt by organizing the annual St. Margret’s Day Fair as a mark of our respect and gratitude for the unwavering spirit and support of the Sisters of St. Margaret.

Proposed Teachers’ Hostel Project

This project is dedicated to our loyal members of the academic staff, who as Sister Celestine (Principal 1945-1949) once said have served the school not only to establish a high standard of academic excellence but also to develop the spirit of the school motto. The project will be part and parcel of the hostel renovation project, which is already underway and will renovate and refurbish one dormitory to accommodate teachers who are facing many challenges during these unprecedented times at a concessionary rate. Await for details.

Giving Back to Maintenance Staff of Bishop's College

The unsung heroes of Bishops College are undoubtedly our maintenance staff. Their tireless efforts, from maintaining the pristine cleanliness of our school to overseeing various facilities such as the pool, grounds, and tennis court, reflect their dedication to the myriad duties entrusted to them. The proficiency with which our maintenance staff executes these responsibilities is truly commendable. At Bishops College, we hold a firm belief in recognising the value of hard work, a principle that aligns seamlessly with our motto “non sibi sed omnibus” – not for self, but for all. In honour of this commitment, a multitude of events are meticulously organised to give back to our cherished maintenance staff. An annual highlight is the Avurudu Sale, a first-term event that sees leading companies like Singer, Abans, Softlogic, and clothing stores offering the maintenance staff and teachers the option to purchase items on an instalment basis. Another noteworthy occasion is the
Annual Jumble Sale, providing the maintenance staff with the opportunity to acquire sarees at concessionary rates, alleviating the economic burden associated with these usually expensive

Prioritising the health and well-being of our maintenance staff is of paramount importance at Bishops College. Consequently, we meticulously organised a Medical Camp for the maintenance staff. Past pupil doctors generously provided their services free of charge during this event. Additionally, the Social Service Club has played a pivotal role in contributing to the health of our maintenance staff by organising projects such as the Eye Clinic last year. During
this initiative, every member of the maintenance staff received a complimentary eye checkup and glasses if needed, all provided free of charge.

Throughout the Christmas season, we ensure that the maintenance staff are fully included in all festivities. In the spirit of giving back, Bishops College annually organises a Dry Ration Donation Drive, allowing students from all grades to contribute various dry rations. These donations are then thoughtfully packed and distributed to every member of the minor staff for use at their homes. This year, our festive celebrations extend to an Annual Christmas Party for the maintenance staff and their families. In collaboration with three school societies, we are organising games and activities for their enjoyment. At the end of the day, the maintenance staff will receive dry ration hampers, along with a Stationary Hamper for their children – a thoughtful initiative by the Social Service and Interact Club to assist those among the maintenance staff who have children, better preparing them for the upcoming new school year. These initiatives are just a glimpse into the many ways Bishop’s College expresses gratitude to its maintenance staff. Looking ahead, we anticipate organising a day out in the future, providing the maintenance staff with the opportunity to enjoy a trip at no cost. This initiative is designed to boost morale and show appreciation for the incredible hard work they consistently contribute to our school.

Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes

The theme aptly depicts the school motto that has always instilled the virtue of sharing with those who are less fortunate. Bishop’s College has throughout its history reached out through numerous fundraising projects and events. The 150th Anniversary celebrations will exemplify the true tenets of charity, community spirit and public service.

The Bishop' College 150th Anniversary Coffee Table Book