
Bishop’s College karate was initiated in 2018 with Sensi Edward Rayappan as the coach. one of the most popular forms practised in Japan, Shito-ryu karate is conducting in the school for the girls from grade 4 upwards.

Karate is a type of material art which can be used for self-defense. It’s also become popular for its emphasis on physical and mental discipline.

All types of karate includes katas, which are groups of choreographed movements that often include kicks and punches. katas are memorized and practiced solo or in groups prior to sparring with opponents.

Disuli Priaksha Abeysinghe and Senara De Alwis won 3rd place in Sri Lanka Schools Junior Karate Provincial Championship 2023 and have been selected All Island Schools Junior Karate Provincial Championship 2023.

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Teacher’s In Charge