Introduction of Sign Language to the School Curriculum

The introduction of Sign Language within the gates of Bishop’s College emerged to advance inclusivity and active participation by all students at Bishop’s College. ‘As a school, we wanted to be more inclusive’ says our Primary Headmistress Ms Rochelle Tissaratchy. Due to the many social changes and the way the world is moving at present, the school felt that it was important to move with the changes around them and has therefore decided to introduce Sign Language as part of the school curriculum.

The academic staff started their training in July 2023 by Mrs Pavithra Sarangee who holds a Bachelor of Education Honours in Special Needs Education from the Open University of Sri Lanka as well as a Diploma in Sign Language from the National Institute of Education, Sri Lanka. Bishop’s College hopes to introduce the syllabus first to the primary students, starting from the next academic year and thereafter moving it up to the senior school in stages. The introduction of sign language will promote understanding and empathy.