Principal’s Message

Mrs. Chemali Goonetileke Herath
Dear Parents, Students, Past Pupils and Well Wishers,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our school website. As one of the oldest private Anglican ‘day and boarding’ schools for girls established in 1875, Bishop’s College strives to provide a well-rounded education for all our students. Borrowing from our rich Christian heritage, we offer all those who come through our doors, an inclusive and holistic learning experience, imbued in a culture of tradition, charity and diverse yet united community.
Our academic curriculum and programmes, challenge our students to achieve their full potential through new and innovative means, always keeping the best interest of the child at heart. Academic learning is enriched by a broad range of opportunities offered through sports, aesthetics, community service projects and other extra-curricular activities that allow students to explore and grow in all aspects of school life. At present we offer 15 sports and 40 clubs & societies.
Bishop’s College boasts of a diverse student and staff population that thrives on learning from each other, which we believe is fundamental to nurturing confident, strong and socially conscious young women of the day. Please read the ‘School Profile’ for further details.
As Principal, I am truly humbled and encouraged by the dedication and passion of my academic and non-academic staff. Despite the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic, they have risen to the trials of online education and succeeded in securing the school as a leader in this new form of teaching and learning, ensuring that all activities, academic and otherwise have continued, as best as the situation allows.
Together, with the unwavering support of the Governing Body, past pupils and parents, I am confident that the Bishop’s College community will march on with resilience, pride and enthusiasm, as we are ‘steeped in tradition, admired for our values and known for our excellence’ always keeping with our motto ‘Non Sibi Sed Omnibus’- Not for self but for all.
May God bless us all and may God bless Bishop’s College!