‘Bring, Buy and Sell’ Sale, a meticulously organized event with compassion, love, acts of generosity and kindness. The Annual Lata Pata Pola, newly named, ‘Bring Buy and Sell’ Sale!!, pays tribute and celebrates our founders, the Sisters of St. Margret and their involvement with the Past Pupils’ Association, the school and the Polwatte Community. The sale was held at the Mathew Hall, at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels Polwatte. The membership never fails in their generosity, with donations pouring in, of nearly new clothing, books, household items, shoes, etc. The items on sale were truly valued by all who attended, judging by the satisfied and happy faces that walked out of the premises that day. The proceeds of the event went towards the Sisters of St. Margaret to purchase items for the convent and the St. John’s Girls Home in Moratuwa.
As Vice President Tharanga de Silva commented, ‘I felt that this sale done over the years was a well thought of act of kindness. The effort, love, compassion and kindness cannot be valued in money, the return in cash will multiply 10-fold. PPA as always spread happy thoughts and added energy to others’ lives. Hip Hip Hooray!’